Written transcript of Podcast: "Railing" / I Cor. 5:11


I did not recognize you as being a railer until the last incident. And that was yesterday that I recognized that you are a railer. 

I Corinthians 5:11 ... Paul tells us what we have to do.
I was lying down yesterday afternoon. I didn’t feel all that well. And something happened. 
I didn’t want to go to any of the activities that we have planned for the church meeting. I didn’t want to go to the Broadmoor for dinner. I didn’t want to go on the train ride. I didn’t want to go on the mountain drive. I didn’t want to go on the picnics. I thought “Well maybe I can just stay home and go to bed.” 
I didn’t know why I didn’t want to go. I just didn’t want to go. 
Later I was reading the blog and was especially interested in the chapter in the “Reading Through the Bible” series. It was I Corinthians 5, which I know very well, having had to use that, and do what it says, with Don Gelino, our Bible teacher whom I love very much. He was a fornicator. He admitted to me he was going to bars, picking up women, and having sexual intercourse with them. 
Paul said when a man who is a brother does that, put him away from you. Don’t keep company with him. Don said “That’s right. That’s what you have to do.” 
I did not see until yesterday that what you were doing to me was “railing”.  Railing is speaking in a crude, mean way about another person. You’ve done this several times. I have heard it for many years and have recognized there’s a sweet water and a bitter water in you. And the apostle James said “This ought not to be.”  And I know it shouldn’t be. And I’ve warned you for really a great many years about this. 
I didn’t recognize it was railing, but I knew you had sweet water, bitter water. 
Sometimes you speak so well. And sometimes you’re so mean. 
I heard a very strong bitterness coming forth from you about Joseph Biden, and I warned you. 
I saw something else recently, and that was that you are not taking every thought captive to bring it to the obedience of Christ. And if we fail to do that, we get eaten up by devils. 
You mentioned to me, several times, the subject of money. And since Edward has quit working, you have mentioned that many times throughout the years. That may be normal to do that. But I just wonder, “Has God gotten to the point that He is not going to take care of us just because we are not working and bringing in a salary? What happened to God?” 
And I could see that it had changed with you. You used to be so generous to your workers and even to me. But things changed where you were now living in a type of worldly fear. 
I warned you about it. You finally said you could see that what I was saying was true, that you had a niggling type fear of money. 
And I told you to take those thoughts that came to you about money to God each time you had those thoughts. I was basically speaking the doctrine of “Taking thoughts captive to bring them into the obedience of Christ.” 
This is probably the first doctrine God ever taught me as a new Christian, because I was having trouble by not dealing with destructive thoughts in a proper way. 
Several years ago I had seen some show on television where they were using a cattle prod to move the cattle. And I thought “That’s what Barbara needs. She needs an electric jolt so that she will go forward” because I could see that you had talents that God had given you that were being held back. 
I told you that message. You took it into your heart as a resentment against me, and later accused me wrongfully. And you said something so crude I will not repeat it. But you said “Do you have any recollection about saying I needed to have a cattle prod run up me to get me to move forward?” 
The way you said it, Barbara, was so mean and crude. I’ve never used words like that in my life. And I knew I didn’t say that. But I did say you need an electric jolt like a cattle prod. But, the way you described it was crude, mean, little. I was horrified at the thought. I would not say that. And never in my life had I used the word A-S-S in connection with a person, so I knew I didn't say what you said. 
But you took it the wrong way. 
That bitterness is in you, because you take it in you. And then you rail out without really thinking through the situation. 
As Christians we have to learn not to do that. We can’t live like the world lives with our speaking. 
James 1 says that if we do not bridle our tongue, our religion is vain. 
The recent attack against me is an attack against the offices of apostle, prophet, and the whole ministry. For in the work of a prophet, a prophet is duty-bound to God to deliver messages of correction. 
In Ezekial 3, if we fail to deliver messages of correction, and that person dies in his wickedness, his blood is upon our hands. 
I know that’s Old Testament. But I asked God “Is there any place else in the Bible, the New Testament Bible, where it says their blood is on our hands if we fail to deliver a message of correction?” 
He reminded me of Paul speaking to the elders of Ephesus. In Acts 20, Paul called for the elders at Ephesus to meet with him. And he told them he knew they would never see his face again, and that he had kept back nothing that was profitable to them. But Paul said, “Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” 
And then in verse 29, Paul says “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves”... the elders... “shall men arise speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves”, setting up strange doctrines. 
So, I could see that it is valid for us who belong to God, and are called as apostles and prophets, to deliver messages of correction when we see a problem. 
It wasn’t until yesterday that I recognized you are a railer, having an uncontrolled tongue, lashing out. If you are offended, you lash out at the person. 
That is an extremely serious offense. Because if you are a railer, you are categorized by God in the same category as a fornicator. I Corinthians 5. I had not seen this until yesterday. 
I Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 
And he says  Put away from among yourselves that wicked person. 
For it is wickedness. It’s reverting back to the way of the world, rather than controlling yourself by the Word of God, and keeping your tongue under control until the matter is resolved by God. 
James 1 ... If any man have an unbridled tongue, his religion is said to be vain by the apostle James.
Your tongue is unbridled. You get offended, and then you rail out at the person who offended you. Or you get offended at a person you don’t even know, like Biden, and you rail out against him to other people. That is not a Christian way. We cannot do that. 
When I saw that yesterday, I was pretty shocked because I had not seen you, until yesterday, as a railer, though you’ve done it to me many times. 
I called Pam into the room, because this was the chapter printed in “Reading Through the Bible.” And I just took my Bible and handed her I Corinthians 5:11 on my Kindle. And I said to her “What about this?” 
She said “I saw it. I saw it this morning when I read that. Barbara is a railer.” 
And I said, “What are we going to do about it?” 
We cannot allow a person like this to sit in the church, because they are uncontrolled, they will rail out, and we can’t allow them to destroy the whole church. 
With this meeting coming up, I knew then, at that point, that’s the reason I didn’t want to go to any of the activities that I personally had planned for the people who came to the meetings. I didn’t want to be there. And I didn’t want to eat with you. I did not want to keep company with you, though it does grieve me. 
You have been, to me, like a daughter. Several times I’ve said, “I want the best for you.” And you’ve said, “I really know that” 
Well, you’re not going to have the best until this is corrected. Until it’s strong enough that you take note of it. 
You don’t have a proper love of the church, and I know that. 
I told you when I was in the hospital, a man came to our floor and played and sang gospel music. I got the nurse to roll me out there, and I just sat there and wept over the magnificence of the church and the glory of being in the church. 
I know you don’t have the right attitude about the church. 
When I bring correction to you, godly correction, and you rail out at me, you are basically fighting the offices of apostle and prophet. And the last time you did this, when I warned you about prayer, you completely misjudged the message, rushed into attacking me. 
I told God at that time “I don’t want to carry any more messages to Barbara. I will, but I don’t want to. So, I’m asking you to give those messages to someone else. She attacks me.” 
This last time it was like it was over. 
And when I wrote to you and explained that I had never, ever, thought or said you didn’t pray, and yet you accused me wrongly of thinking that, because the bitterness is in you. It’s in your soul, in your heart, against me. I’ve never thought you didn’t pray. But you don’t take every thought captive. 
And you told me by phone that you had forgotten whether you work outside the home and just couldn’t remember. I thought maybe you’d had a little stroke or something. And you had to ask your husband, Edward, if you work outside the home.
I’d told you to do Philippians 4:6 which has several parts ...
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 
There are several parts to that scripture. I thought it might be a little too hard for you, at this point in time, to do that. So, I said “When the thought comes about money, just cry out to God, ‘God help me’” because you had said you had some niggling thoughts hanging around about money. 
I’ve been seeing it ever since Edward retired. Several times I’ve really thought “Well what happens to the Bible? Doesn’t it keep going on after the person retires? The promises of God, where Paul said ‘My God will supply all your need’, doesn’t that continue?” 
Before I saw that you are a railer, and that I had to take action or deny the Bible myself ... Paul said don’t keep company if the person is a railer. 
I had to put Don Gelino away in fornication, for he was committing fornication while teaching our Bible class, and he admitted it. And he even admitted I had no choice but to put him away. 
And it says in the last verse of I Corinthians 5, Therefore put away that wicked person. 
You are a wicked person. For you have not learned to control your tongue, and you strike out and hurt people, and speak evil of people who offend you. 
Christians have to learn to control their tongue. You have not. 
Another scripture was brought to my attention even before I Corinthians 5 concerning you, and it is ...
Titus 3:10-11 A man that is an heretick 
(You can be an heretick concerning one verse of scripture, a single verse, but you're still an heretick.
 Heretick is you refuse to submit to the power of God. 
 You refused to submit properly to correction I brought you as an apostle/prophet. 
 My cousin Jeanne did the same thing, and I was given this scripture over Jeanne. And at that point I cut her off from communication with her.) 
A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; 
11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself. 
You might like to lookup that word “subverted”. It basically means you’re trying to overthrow the other person. 
Certainly, I’ve warned you more than two times. Two times in the past couple months. 
What you should have been doing is encouraging me, and helping me to be encouraged in things of God. Because this meeting is coming up. These people are coming here. And it’s my responsibility to lead the meeting, to edify them, to be sure that it’s setup in the right Spirit of God. I cannot do that and have someone railing at me from our own church group. 
I have protected the ministry as long as I have been given the ministry. My own mother had a dream many years ago that I came to visit them and I was in a big van, a travel van. And I was walking around that van to see if there was any way it had been damaged. I will not allow the ministry to be damaged. 
I cannot go into this meeting with railing coming against me. And, of course, it’s a devil trying to stop it and using people like you to speak to me messages from him that would destroy the ministry. That’s exactly what’s happening. 
When I read I Corinthians 5 yesterday and handed it to Pam, I said “What do we do about this?” 
The only thing we can do is to say, at this point in time, we cannot keep company with you. We can’t go to picnics with you. We can’t go to gatherings of the church with you. I did the same thing with Don Gelino over fornication. 
Railing is in that same passage, and I’m not going to deny the scripture. 
And I’m going to say, at this point in time, you are a wicked person. For you have not in 40 years learned to control your speech. 
And sweet water and railing comes out of the same mouth. And James, the apostle, said this ought not to be. 
Maybe you can get it under control. 
But I judge, at this point in time, its not under control. 
And the letter that you sent me recently said you did admit that you had lashed out at me. 
And you also sent me a letter saying you did admit that you had fears, niggling ... you used the word “niggling” ... concerning money. 
I submit to you that you aren’t acting as a Christian must act. 
If you can get it together, I would feel differently. 
But the last time I wrote to you about this problem of railing, without identifying it as railing ... because I didn’t know it was railing ... the lasts time I wrote to you, you expressed no remorse. You didn’t see your sin at all that you had done against me, and against the church, and against the offices of Christ. That’s a heavy sin. 
Robert Tilton was destroyed because of one sin. 
And you have attacked the church, the ministries, and me. 
You have not done what it says in the Bible, endeavoring to keep the unity of Christ together. 
You have not done what it ways in the Bible concerning the ministries. It says they beareth not the sword in vain. 
You have not shown a proper attitude or respect for them. 
And I don’t think you’ve shown a proper love of the church. 
Therefore, I am putting you away from me. I will not eat with you. I will not keep company with you at this time. The ball is in your side of the court. 
With that I conclude.
