*** Podcast: I bought a defective TV and the Holy Spirit showed me what I could do about it.


In this case, the merchant did not fix the TV I purchased from him and he would not fix the TV.  In those days some TV's were plasma and had to be calibrated by the dealer to get the excellent picture the were capable of receiving.  

He said he would calibrate the TV.  But when I tried to get him to set an appointment for his workers to come to my house, he would not set an appointment.

One day I passed his business and it was gone.  He had moved to another city.

The TV was almost unwatchable with streaks all up and down the screen.  I kept trying to clear it up some with the remote control settings.

One day I was tuning the TV again, and the Holy Spirit said to me, "You don't have to put up with this."

I realized that was correct. And the Holy Spirit showed me what to do.

I did that immediately and was no longer troubled as I had been troubled, but what the Holy Spirit told me to do went completely against the wisdom of man!  But it caused me to have peace.
