*** Podcast: Taking revenge on another person because you are able to do so is against Bible.

If a person does harm against another person because he is able to harm the other person, this is an action against the Bible.
A man became angry with me in the 1990 's and thought to harm me by asking the USA Internal Revenue Service to investigate me.

The brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery and caused Joseph to be taken into bondage into Egypt.  God caused Joseph to rise in Egypt to second in command of the entire nation by giving Pharaoh a dream and giving Joseph the interpretation of the dream.

By being second to Pharaoh, Joseph was able to feed his father and the brothers who had sold him to slavery.  A famine came and God showed Joseph what to do which saved the people of Egypt and saved even his own father and 11 brothers who were in the midst of famine.

Joseph said to his brothers:  "Ye meant it for evil ... but God turned it for good."