Podcast: *** Doing that which is right in the sight of the Lord thy God.

When Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, Israel weakened itself by failing to go on a straight path and by allowing other nations, especially the USA, to influence them in that which they did.

These can be lessons for us.  We overcome through seeking God and hearing God.

But what so often happens is humans try to seem right in the eyes of other people.  Therefore integrity evaporates as they try to gain the approval of humans.  And when we do that we become as weak as water, compromising one thing after another to please humans.  (That is what we see today in governments of men, loss of personal integrity.)

These Old Testament writings so greatly strengthen us for we see them look wrong while following what God told them to do.  And we see them suffer greatly when they compromise the Word from God and they suffer great loss.

One time God told me to do something.  A woman came to me and said, "Joan ... is there any way you could be wrong?"

I replied, "No."

(She left me.  My entire office staff left me, except for one person at that time.  Many who read my writings left me.  God was proving each one of us to see what we would do confronted by HIS truth.)

When you know you have heard from God and do what HE says, that is your only focal point.

Proverbs 21:30  There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.
