* When oppression comes.

Here is a letter received November 18, 2020, from a woman in Italy. 
Dears in Christ,

My husband Gianluca - (Italy), has been attacked 2 times, tonight and early this morning with 2 awful mental oppressions, while sleeping, the second worst than the first.  Even if we have prayed and taken authority he's still attacked.
I ask prayer till the Lord reveals to us what is "the root" of those attacks, those mental oppressions
Thank you so much.  God bless you.  Yours in Christ:  - Lea and Gianluca - (Italy) 
My response:  (Joan Boney)
I had this happen to me about two months ago. 
I just kept calling out to God for help.
Hold onto God. Refuse to let go.
Just keep crying out to God. 
Joan Boney


We cry out to God for help:  "Please, God, help me."

It is really as simple as that.

Trust in God.  Wait on God until you receive information.

It is very dangerous to look for scripture in such times.  Just wait after crying out to God, trusting HIM.

God might choose to bring something to your attention to do, or the battle might just end.

Regardless, we hold onto God, crying out to God for help.
